Join us for a evening of womxn supporting womxn where we come together to heal together. In moon lodge we circle up, pass the talking stick, and are given the opportunity to share our truths uninterrupted. In this facilitated circle, Sara Rose & Tara will listen deeply and may offer insights on limiting language we hear, and provide positive reflections and intuitive guidance if called by Spirit to do so. Together we tap into the power of our vulnerability and authenticity as we are heard, seen, and supported in whatever is unfolding in the sacred now. Hearing each other speak honestly and openly gives us all permission to do the same and our hearts are given levity by being reminded of our shared humanity.
We especially recommend you come if you feel called but feel fear/resistance/discomfort at the idea of being vulnerable. This is often a sign that something inside is needing to be set free, and this is the perfect safe space to do so.
We would be honored to share space with you!
In light of world events and our collective dealing with COVID-19, we are going to be offering this meeting via ZOOM so we can gather in a way that continues the work of social distancing.
Please take a moment to register by CLICKING HERE.
***Circle open to all who identify as womxn.