This ancient healing practice, believed to have originated more then 2,500yrs ago, is often referred to as 'lazy man's yoga' or 'thai yoga massage'. Bodywork is done clothed while laying on a cushioned mat on the floor. Thai massage focuses on passive stretching, muscle compression, joint mobilization and acupressure. everything from hands and feet to elbows and knees are utilized.
*please bring comfy, movable yoga style clothes for this service!*
Experience this flowing dance of deep tissue massage for healing what ails you. "Ashi" means foot, "atsu" means pressure. Massage is given with the feet, while bars affixed to the ceiling are utilized to stabilize and control pressure and weight. The most powerful deep tissue massage you will ever receive.
Through attention to the breath and the precious moment, we will turn our bodies into hollow bones for divine light and healing. Sacred tools often used in energetic healing sessions: tarot, herbal medicine, herbal smudge, crystals, stones, pendulum, hands-on healing, as well as sacred sound healing with bells, chimes, rattles, and drums.
Tailored to the needs of each client in the moment. many techniques are employed to uncover change and elicit healing. nearly all sessions include, but are not limited to: myofascial release, deep tissue work, energetic healing, sound healing, herbal smudge, as well as advise on ways to support healing on a daily basis through postural alignment, yoga therapy, mindfulness, and more.
The purpose of an intuitive reading is to take a look at the client's life to find areas that may be contributing to current difficulties in the body, mind and spirit. The client will be given tools and creative solutions that can help them to move through the difficulties with a sense of empowered strength and grace. We will work together to help you connect more fully to your inner healer. Tarot cards are often utilized to guide the unfolding.
If you are looking for alternative ways to support healing, both energetically and physically, we will talk about your situation to determine herbal techniques & preparations to bring into your daily self care routine. We will also take time to explore any additional energetic or emotional components that may be contributing to the imbalance. By using herbal remedies we seek to nutrify depleted systems with daily rituals that keep us committed to self care.
Yoga is a ancient, wholistic practice that brings mind, body, breath, and spirit into a orchestrated dance that moves us toward healing. Personalize your yoga experience to find prescriptive poses for injury treatment, increasing strength and flexibility, as well as cultivating mindfulness.
"For thousands of years, yoga has been a tool to open the mind and body, bringing transformation. At its core, yoga is a process that involves confronting your limits and transcending them. It is a psychophysical approach to life and to self-understanding that can be creatively adapted to the needs of the times." ~Joel Kramer